Kids programmes
After-school care
From Monday to Friday afternoon, we take care of 80 children growing up in poverty. The after-school program focuses on the most vulnerable children in Rehoboth. Children who, besides practical help, also desperately need attention and love. Most parents of these children are absent due to, for example, death, alcohol addiction, or lack not the means/possibility to provide what is needed for their children. After school, these children come to us for a warm meal, homework guidance, to play, and for various activities such as archery, Biblical lessons, crafts, sports and games, arithmetic, and reading. We also help them practically wherever we can.

Sunshine Club
In addition to the children who need both emotional and practical help, there are also many children who do have a parent who gives them attention and love, but where there are no financial means to provide a daily meal and school materials. These are children who come to us on Monday afternoon, along with the children from the after-school care. This group consists of 30 children. We expect their parent/caregiver to come to Lighthouse every week for a day to help on the land. In return, they receive a food package. This way, the parents can themselves take care of their children’s meals. In addition, we also provide the means needed to go to school. Because we see these children weekly, we can keep a good eye on how they are doing. Monday looks different than the other days. During the Sunshine club, only the children of primary school age come. We sing together, listen to a Bible story, eat a warm meal, and do activities such as crafts, puzzles, playing games, and sports. A very fun and cozy afternoon.

Lighthouse Youth
For the teenagers, we organize teen afternoons. Every Monday at 4 PM, a group of about 40 teenagers comes to us. This program is for the teenagers from our after-school care and also for other teenagers who would like to learn more about the faith. We start the program with a game. Then there is a time of worship, and we reflect on a Biblical theme. Before the teenagers go home, they get something to eat. Every last Monday of the month, we have a fun afternoon with the teenagers, such as a game afternoon, watching movies, campfire with marshmallows, etc.

There are children in Rehoboth whose home situation is so bad that they actually cannot live at home. Most of these children first came to the after-school care, but unfortunately, this help was not enough. A hostel is a place next to the school where children live. They are fed and taken care of there. A hostel provides the children with structure, and with this, the chances are greater that they will be able to complete their school. Currently, we have 22 children who go to hostels. We make sure their hostel fees are paid, that they have a school uniform, bag, and materials, and they also receive toiletries every month.

Talent Development Programme
Many of our children have difficulty learning, but are good with their hands. By offering different skills, children can discover what they like and also what they are good at. We believe this builds their confidence and find it important that the children can thus further develop themselves. Currently, we are doing this on a small scale by offering different skills for a short period. Think of: archery, creativity, dance, music, agricultural work, and needlework.